
"Whoever receives this child in my name receives me, and whoever receives me receives the one who sent me." Luke 9:48
Recently, I added a prayer to my morning: "Lord, I pray to receive others as you would receive them, and I pray they receive me as You receive me."
I am guilty of easily ignoring those who pass me by, often because I do not want to be bothered with having to acknowledge someone else. I am quite the introvert, and I prefer being left alone; thus, I have a tendency to leave others alone as well.
This line from scripture reminds me that God wants us to receive each of His children as if we were receiving Him. If I saw God walking down the street, would I stop and speak to Him, or would I, in my selfishness, keep walking with my head down?
Father, nudge me throughout this week to come outside of myself and embrace your children; help me to see You in each soul I encounter.