Of Above

"Think of what is above, not of what is on earth." Colossians 3:2
How engrained is it in each of our minds and hearts to go about our daily lives without really thinking about the difference between things that are of eternity and things that are perishable.
One way to answer this question is to ask yourself: what motivates my choices? When I chose my job, what was the main reason? When I picked a spouse, why this specific person over anyone else? When I schedule my day, what is prioritized?
I remember once talking with a friend about a job opportunity that I felt strongly about but which would require a large pay cut. My friend said, "Betsey, you are not a missionary, a religious, or a married woman with secondary income. God does not expect you to starve or live on the streets for this job. It's a job, not your ultimate vocation."
I started to think about what he said and how that applied to my life in general as it pertains to decision making. Are there times God calls us to drastic measures? Absolutely. But in discernment, I realized that this was not the time for that. Indeed, the more attuned we become to the movements of the Holy Spirit, the better we are able to make decisions in line with what God is truly asking us to do.
Thinking of "what is above" changes our vantage point; it gives us a clearer view of our hearts and what guides them. The question for each of us is how do we live with eternity in mind so that our daily life on earth is a perpetual glimpse of heaven? And what do our choices say about how we currently glorify God?