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But, Lord...

After he had finished speaking, he said to Simon, "Put out into deep water and lower your nets for a catch." Simon said in reply, "Master, we have worked hard all night and have caught nothing, but at your command I will lower the nets." - Luke 5:4-5

I laughed when I read this verse from the Gospel of Luke; you know, that sort of knowing laughter when something just hits the nail on the head? The sort of moment that says, "Goodness gracious I am just like Simon (Peter)!"

Here is Jesus sitting in a boat with Simon teaching the crowds (from a distance, of course) and upon command, Simon dares tell our Lord, "What do you mean put our net out there? We did that...ALL NIGHT! Yet, we didn't catch anything. But, okay, I will do what you say."

This important verse can be broken into two major parts: first, Simon's hesitation and distrust of Jesus's power; and second, his realization that he needs to remain faithful to Jesus and do what's commanded of him regardless of what has happened thus far.

Simon's pause speaks so much to my testimony. Lord, I did all this work and nothing came of it! Lord, I obeyed your command, and I don't see results! Lord, I asked you to heal this part of me yet it hasn't been done! Lord, I was kind to this person, yet they were rude in response! All these efforts of mine...fruitless!

And then He gently reminds me: My time, Daughter.

You see, bearing fruit happens slowly, methodically, faithfully. It requires daily effort, even when we do not yet see the product. Why? Because our Lord honors His promises and will provide in the moment we need it most. Thankfully, He's patient and forgives our frustrations.

Father, I thank you for the opportunity to trust you even greater with my life today. Regardless of what I outwardly see in the next 24 hours, I believe that you will fill my net at the perfect hour. Help me to persevere and to not question Your most perfect commands. Amen.

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